Friday, July 17, 2020

Important Dates

Meet and Greet
Drive Through Meet and Greet Schedule:

August 12th 9:00-1:30 Kindergarten- 2nd Grade 

August 13th 9:00-1:30 3rd-5th Grade

Mrs. Taylor will be in the green cone lane from 11:30-12:00


First Day of  Virtual School- August 17, 2020
We will have our first LIVE session at 8:00 am.
Please continue to check CTLS Parent for any updates.

4th Grade Supply List & Essential Skills

Monday, July 13, 2020

New Student & Kindergarten Registration

Visit the CCSD website to register new students or a student that will be entering Kindergarten. Parents, you will need to upload your own documents. 

All About Me

Hello and welcome to fourth grade! My name is Ashley Taylor and I am absolutely thrilled to be a member of the Kemp family. I grew up going to Cobb County Schools and it is an honor to be teaching in one now. I attained my degree in early childhood education at Kennesaw State University and my Masters Degree in Educational Leadership through the American College of Education. This will be my 10th year teaching. I have had many valuable experiences at Kemp Elementary where I have learned proficient teaching strategies and positive classroom management skills. I have known my entire life that I wanted to be a teacher and I have given my all to fulfill that dream. As a child, I absolutely loved school and I remember every teacher I have had. Now, it is my turn to be "the inspirational teacher" for my students. All children deserve the highest quality education available and it is my goal to create life-long learners. I look forward to meeting all of you and to a very successful year!